The “why”
Well, sadly, this post does not have a very interesting why story. In fact, it was sad. I had signed up for an event on the meetup app and that event was going to be held in a library. I would have said library near me but this library was very far far away. It took me about an hour, had to change two buses to reach there and guess what, the event got canceled. There were three other people who were also there for the same event and just to do something since we were there, all four of us went for a walk for around 15-20 minutes.
Well, it was a nice walk. One of the guys there was going to give a workshop for Microsoft about Stable Diffusion. This is the first time I was hearing about it but it is a way of generating art from text. He also showed me his web portal where he had examples of text as input and it would create images as output. Read some more about it here. Enough about the walk. But then, I decided to check out the library since I was already there and the library looked beautiful. Also, I have to mention I have always wanted to read in a library and get into reading.
Getting into it
Firstly, look at how beautiful the library looks. It is one of the best libraries I have ever been to. Very peaceful and cute filled with almost any book that you could want.
Seattle Public Library
I was just checking on the books and had no intention of getting a card, but then there were people taking a bunch of books and just scanning their card and I was thinking here I am spending so much money in buying books.
(Recently I have been working on developing the habit of reading. And since then, actually, I am obsessed with having all the books that I read with me. I don’t know it just makes me feel that what I learn from the book is going to stay with me forever. But I guess, at some point, you need to understand that you don’t make that much money :p ). Then the bright idea of getting a library card occurred to me.
Here are the books I got!
I went all out and checked out 5 books which are issued to me for 3 weeks. That is me. Always overdoing everything. But the good news is, the library card does not have an application fee. You can reissue a book before the three week time period ends (if there is no request for that book). You are not fined for not returning the books on time (apart from getting suspended). And the best part, you can return and pick up books from any of their locations (I could not have come here to return books after every 3 weeks obviously). Check them out :
Here are the pictures :

(They have some really good options)
These books were just the ones that caught my eye. It is weird how majority of the books are related to business. Maybe a side effect of binging on Shark Tank. If you live under a rock and have not seen this show, you definitely should. Check it out here.
Finally! If you are still here..
So overall, this was a really fun day. I am super excited for reading these books. Is it just me or everyone feels this rush when you buy new books? I remember being so excited about buying the next standard books at the end of every school year. I love the idea (and the smell) of new books. Will post updates here about how the reading went!
Well, this was a fun post. Thank you for reading through. If you are living in a city where you have access to a library, I would really encourage you to check it out. Reading is a fun way to move away from your regular mundane problems and thinking big and beyond. Leave a comment here or an email ([email protected]) if you do actually sign up for a library card or try reading once more after reading this blog (Well, you already read this blog. You can do more :p)
Read more about what I am up to most recently here. Also, read a bit more about me if you would like.
Categories: Uncategorized
Feya Shah
Living life one day at a time and on the side, telling you about it!
Nice encouragement to people who avoid reading books…keep it up The writing…
Thank you!
I personally don’t like reading books but the cute library and your writing made it really fun!
Awwww thank you!