Never Have I Ever
What is the worst drinking game?
If someone were to ask me, what is the worst drinking game you have ever played, my answer would definitely, without a doubt, would be “Never Have I Ever”. Why? Because the game is absolutely stupid. For those (really uncool people) who don’t know what this game is about :
Each player takes a turn and comes up with some cool or embarrassing ending to the phrase. And if you have accidentally been as cool or embarrassing as them, you take a sip of your drink.

Now the reason why I find this game absolutely useless is firstly, people take forever to come up with something (because, let’s face it, not everyone is as cool), and once they do and if you have had the same experience, you just take a sip of your drink but do not really share the story or anything. Also, there is no action. After playing the game, I am just back with a list of things that I have never done or don’t ever want to do.
But after giving it a second thought, I think the idea behind it is pretty cool. The game rewards you for having new and unique experiences. So when I started this blog, I wanted to write about something that I am most passionate about. And though I am interested in a lot of things, I don’t really think I would say I am passionate about any particular thing, apart from one thing, “having new experiences”. So I thought, why not start a blog about it?
Let’s do it!
The idea is, find a new ending to the phrase each week and then go ahead and actually have that experience (Pretty cool, right?). This blog would act as my motivation to find new experiences that I want to have in my life, or also sit back and savor the organic new experiences that I have. Because, “What else we here for?”. Can you imagine what it would feel like? At 80, reading these weekly stories, of all the crazy, fun, embarrassing experiences I have had in my life. (Okay, I am getting way ahead of myself, but I can see that happy face).
So, what’s in it for you? Just listening to and in a very weird way being part of my story. Also, I would love suggestions. It would be beautiful if a post here motivates you to have a new experience in your life, too. I would have fun thinking I am helping you build memories. Also, we can coordinate and plan out on having the same experiences which would be a lot of fun.(You are already welcome).
I know what you are wondering. What experiences is she talking about? Well, they could be anything. Ranging from small experiments, to full blown adventures. Basically, I am going to listen very closely to all my “I have never done that”s and find something new and exciting. So hop on, and I hope it’s a fun journey. If you do come across this blog, do shoot me an email @[email protected] or follow the instagram account @myreallifeversion. Thank you and wish me good luck!
After a month back in my own city!
So, it has been a little over a month since I moved back to Mumbai and I thought I should write it out. So gear up, for another long story lol. Many times in the past month, people around me have asked me on various occasions, how does it feel? […]
Some last minute thank you notes!
Hello, again. I realized before I leave I have some very important thankyous to tell. To my roommates: However messy it may be, we didn’t just share an apartment, we built a home. A home where there was more laughter than tears. A home where small pet peeves didn’t get […]
Never have I ever been to NYC!
So, I and NYC have had a very interesting and tragic love story. You can imagine, New York is on everyone’s bucket list since the day you landed in the States. And it has taken me almost 4 years to finally be here. And I have canceled a trip to […]
Never Have I Ever Been To “Santa Fe”
Okay, so this is again going to be a long post. Maybe I just like to talk a lot. So, after all the job related drama (, I was convinced I needed a celebratory / relaxing trip. I needed to get out and just relax for a few days before […]
Never Have I Ever Been “Laid Off”
Well, hello again! To the two people who actually missed reading this :p, I missed you too! So a lotttt has happened over the last almost two months. A lottttttt would also be an understatement. Before beginning my blabber, I would like to tell you this would be deeply personal […]
Never Have I Ever Turned 25
Well, no matter how prepared you are to celebrate 25 years of your existence, on the actual day, it still feels unreal. I don’t mean at like the exact hour 12 am, but in general, the whole thing about turning 25 is daunting. This whole adulting thing is in general, […]
Never Have I Ever Painted A Pumpkin
So first of all, 31st October was a few days back, so Happy Happy Halloween! And shout out to you if you too like me stayed at home this Halloween and painted or carved pumpkins instead. You are the real deal :p Halloween is a festival we never celebrated in […]
Never Have I Ever Won A Startup Competition
As much as I like my job, or like being an engineer, one thing I have become pretty clear about recently is, I somehow am not passionate about it. There is something in me which just needs more ownership, responsibility or basically skin in the game, for me to give […]
Never Have I Ever Tie Dyed A Shirt
Watching random videos on youtube can have several benefits. One of them is that you come across really cool things that people are doing. Tie Dying is one of those cool experiments. I came across this youtube video. And it inspired me to try this out! I thought you would […]
Never Have I Ever Got Myself A Library Card
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Never Have I Ever Baked Red Velvet Cupcakes
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