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Some last minute thank you notes!

Hello, again. I realized before I leave I have some very important thankyous to tell. To my roommates: However messy it may be, we didn’t just share an apartment, we built a home. A home where there was more laughter than tears. A home where small pet peeves didn’t get […]

Never Have I Ever Turned 25

Well, no matter how prepared you are to celebrate 25 years of your existence, on the actual day, it still feels unreal. I don’t mean at like the exact hour 12 am, but in general, the whole thing about turning 25 is daunting. This whole adulting thing is in general, […]

Never Have I Ever Tie Dyed A Shirt

Watching random videos on youtube can have several benefits. One of them is that you come across really cool things that people are doing. Tie Dying is one of those cool experiments. I came across this youtube video. And it inspired me to try this out! I thought you would […]